Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

TrackBacks, Pingbacks, and Backlinks, oh my

Thursday, March 30th, 2006

Back-links are the backbone of the blogosphere, allowing bidirectional linking that creates a web of conversation. Several standards exist, so how do they stack up? (more…)

Blogospherical Ballyhoo

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

From telegram to telnet, from horse messenger to instant messenger — our communications arsenal continues to evolve. Web logs have existed for almost 10 years. So why the surrounding the now-called ? (more…)

Props and Patches: WordPress theme "Lush"

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

When looking for a WordPress theme, it wasn’t long before I happened upon Lush, a theme that Jeriko ported from Typo. This beautiful theme features AJAX searches and an attractive color scheme, and quickly became my hands-down choice. Many thanks to the original Lush Typo theme from and Jeriko’s faithful port. In the spirit of Creative Commons By-NC, I made a couple of changes… (more…)